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Better Tomorrows: How Technology Is Shaping The Future Of Conservation By Marty Nothstein
The advancement of technology has always been propelled by environmentalists. From the earliest birdwatchers to the wildlife scientists of the present day, conservationists have always utilized new technologies to better understand and protect the species on our planet. Conservationists are investigating how machine learning and artificial intelligence could assist them in identifying and resolving new global issues. New technologies have ushered in an era of increased productivity and efficiency for many businesses.
Despite this progress, conservation still faces challenges like climate change, habitat loss, and human-caused species extinctions. However, emerging technology like drones that collect endangered species data at a tenth of the cost are giving conservationists hope for a better future.
Conservation Is A Pretty Old Profession
Conservation is ancient. Since the beginning, humans have conserved their environment. Drones and satellites allow us to monitor big wildlife populations without disturbing them. To basic things like reusable shopping bags, which keep plastic out of landfills and fish from being accidentally eaten, to social media channels that educate people worldwide about environmental issues that touch them.
Technology Has Aided Conservationists for Decades
Conservationists have been assisted by technology for decades. It is difficult to conceive of how they could perform their duties without technology. According to Marty Nothstein, the use of technology in conservation is not a novel phenomenon. It has been around for quite some time and has already had an impact on our business practices, as well as our capacity to reach new audiences and increase sector transparency.
New Tools and Technologies Brighten Conservation’s Future
New technology will enable more with less. Satellite imaging can detect unlawful fishing and poaching, drones can monitor wildlife populations, artificial intelligence systems can anticipate species extinctions, and the Internet of Things can collect real-time ground data.
Marty Nothstein Using modern technology, we will have cheaper and easier access to information that was previously unavailable or costly. Helping conservationists all around the world, or providing organizations with the information they need to allocate their resources more effectively towards programs that advance their missions.
New tools also enable greater collaboration between local communities living near protected areas, scientists studying them from afar, non-governmental organizations working around them, and governments managing them—all within a global community interested in ensuring healthy ecosystems now and for future generations.
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